How to Grow Your Business Spiritually
How to Grow Your Business Spiritually

How to Grow Your Business Spiritually

how to grow your business spiritually: trust the process
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Every now and then, one of these business coaches who claims that they can get me a six-figure income will contact me via social media. They try to convince me that I can’t do without their services by appealing to my fears, greed, and insecurities. Many of them say they have some secret formula to help me get ten times the clients and increase my book sales exponentially — all I need to do is pay them a small fee to tell me what it is. They prey on small business owners’ need for control and the belief that any business should grow at a breakneck speed. 

I have news for you. When you’re not selling snake oil, it would be very strange for your small business to grow so quickly overnight. Good things take time. Seeds must be planted. Patience is needed.

Release the Need for Control

We all have a need for control. One of the major tenets of a spiritual path is releasing that control and trusting the universe. But business coaches will try to convince you that you should be doing anything in your power to create more clients and opportunities for yourself — and if you aren’t trying, you’re lazy. They want you to grip tightly to control and try to force it to work out. But what they don’t take into account is that control is an illusion.

None of us is in control. Any time you feel like your actions created a situation for you, you’re only partially right. If your actions are in alignment with your purpose and what the universe wants for you, then it will work out well for you and you’ll achieve success. But if you’re not aligned, you can try and try all you want and it’ll never pan out. That’s because the universe was always in charge, not you. 

Haven’t you ever experienced this? Maybe you check all the boxes for a job and ace the interview but you don’t get an offer. Maybe you try listing your products on a platform where there are similar ones so it seems like a surefire strategy, but no orders come in. It happens all the time. The universe decides, not you. 

Luckily, there is a way to stay in alignment with what the universe wants and achieve a state of flow. It’s called listening to your intuition.

Listen to Your Heart

I’ve tried to force many jobs in my life. I’ve changed careers three times in my forty-one years. I’ve been fired from four jobs and tried to launch versions of my current business a few times before it started to work out and pay off. Trust me, I know what I am talking about here. Whenever I wasn’t working in alignment with the universe and my true purpose, it was a struggle. 

Whenever I surrendered control and did what I knew in my heart was right, I met with staggering success. For instance, I knew for a year that I needed to write a book before I actually published one because I kept feeling this nagging from within. My intuition kept poking at me. I listened to it.

I’ve sold hundreds of copies of my books since publishing the first one two years ago. I have never paid a publisher or marketing company — I even designed the covers myself. Somehow, the universe makes sure that my books and articles find the people who need them most. 

Most of my clients found me through my writing, therefore, I just keep writing and I don’t care about how many followers I have or whether I am popular. 

I don’t overthink the way it is working. The people who need what I write seem to always find me. The universe makes sure of it. All I do is keep on writing and working to elevate the collective consciousness, and as long as I do, my business grows.

There’s No Need to Try to Force Things

The right people are finding me. To force more and more clients who aren’t a good fit for me would feel unnatural. I am aligned with what I am meant to be doing, and when I focus on that, I feel so fulfilled that I wouldn’t trade this feeling for a six-figure salary. I am happy. I’m way happier than when I was working in the corporate world making a lot more money.

If I am meant to have more and more success in the form of income, I know that it will find me without me having to do anything. This flies in the face of what most business coaches seem to preach. 

Trust the Process

If you are allowing people to convince you that you need to adopt certain business practices in order to gain clients, that means you aren’t listening to your heart. You should take what they tell you and connect with how it feels to follow their advice. If it feels misaligned, don’t do it. To frantically scramble for more income without caring how you do it and whether it’s right is a symptom of misalignment and fear.

There is nothing to fear. The Universe has your back. You don’t need to try to force things. It will all fall into place if you’re doing what feels right and genuinely helping other people. (By the way, if you want to increase your connection to your intuition, I highly recommend taking up a meditation practice.)

So, if you’re reading this and you’re a business coach, I hope this has made you reflect on what you’re preaching. Perhaps what has worked for you won’t work for others. Maybe the universe wants your success to unfold in a certain way that isn’t meant for most other people. If you’re using your success to promote unnecessary fear in others, you should stop and ask yourself if you’re aligned with the universe. Hint: You’re not.

Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your spiritual journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

Spiritual Counseling

Understand your path and how to manifest your best life. Learn about inner healing or talk about your soul’s purpose. Book a session to talk about your spiritual journey with Emily!

About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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