How to Find Your Soul Purpose
How to Find Your Soul Purpose

How to Find Your Soul Purpose

How to find your soul purpose
Image credit: Canva

As humans, it’s always tempting to be lazy. We could just refuse to deal with things and instead, stick to the status quo where we are comfortable. This applies to so many realms in life. I’m mainly interested in the spiritual realm. We have the ability to find our soul purpose, but we often just choose not to because it’s easier to just focus on surface-level pursuits.

Your heart and soul could be telling you that you need to accomplish certain things while you’re alive, but you may often continue to intentionally procrastinate. You put off your soul mission. You refuse to deal with your soul’s reminders that things are exactly the way they ought to be and turn your attention to survival mode and the trappings of the ego. You get allured into thinking that spiritually inconsequential things are your soul’s real mission.

Your soul’s mission is to help people. Everyone’s is. It’s how you choose to do this that is unique to you.

Why Are You Here?

You must find your soul purpose and get to work on your mission as soon as possible. Time is ticking away! You don’t have forever here. So, don’t be spiritually lazy — if you’re overworked, ask yourself if you’re working hard on someone else’s dream or your own. Ask yourself why all the money you earn matters when you aren’t evolving spiritually or helping others do the same.

Some people are here to care for animals. Some are here to help children. Others have a knack for making music that soothes the soul of humans everywhere. Still, others have the ability to impart spiritual wisdom to people in their community. You have a purpose and mission here that is special and only belongs to you. But unless you’re working toward it, then what really is the point of your life?

Who Are You, Really?

I find that meditation is the #1 way to know yourself deeply so you can find your soul purpose. You must be able to ask for inner truths and accept the answer as it comes. Raw truth like that can scare you, so be ready. You might realize that the life path you’ve followed until now was complete bullshit and needs to be completely reworked.

You have to be unafraid. It takes courage to find your soul purpose if you’ve been married to your way of thinking for years. You may not have considered a new way of life.

Once, at the beginning of my awakening, I was doing a group meditation visualization. I asked “who am I, really?” and the answer I got loud and clear was “you are a healer.” It freaked me out. I was a software engineer. I thought I had adopted a good career, but realized painfully that I wasn’t really helping anyone. I was working on someone else’s mission, and it didn’t fully align with mine. I realized I’d been living a lie and I needed to go to work immediately on healing others, so I enrolled in a holistic health instructor certification almost immediately. I just knew it was the right thing to do, and I have never regretted it.

Meditate, ask questions within, and wait for the answers effortlessly. They’ll arise and be presented to you as your soul talks. Don’t reject the truth.

Now It’s Time to Start

If you have found your soul purpose, now you need to do something. Change something. This can also be terrifying. Why? Because you have to be brave enough to drastically change your life.

You have to look yourself in the mirror and say “I choose to be authentic today.” You may have to give up an entire career to be a farmer or embrace initial poverty in order to focus only on writing poetry. Whatever it is, you will need great courage and trust in the universe.

People around you may not understand. They live in the matrix. You’re making your way out of the matrix, and they will try to keep you in it. They will try to instill fear in your heart. They’ll say that your new life will fail and you’ll regret it.

As a software engineer, I used to make a lot more money than I do now as a writer and a spiritual coach. I felt secure even if I wasn’t happy. But now, every time I hear someone mention corporate life, work stress, or the notion of working on something that makes someone else rich, I am grateful that I had the courage to make this choice to be happy and follow my heart. Money isn’t everything.

You know, deep down, that nobody who changes their lives to help others ever regrets it. You know that when you are working on your soul mission, you’ll finally be aligned with the universe and you’ll be happier than ever. Things will fall into place because the universe will bring you abundance. It’s worked for me.

When you make the choice to actively work in line with your soul’s greatest longings and purpose, you will be working with the great spirit who manifests your life. All of this time you’ve been forcing a different life and working against it, but when you work with it, you have nothing to fear.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.


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