Advice from Holistic Health: Real Health Starts Within You
Advice from Holistic Health: Real Health Starts Within You

Advice from Holistic Health: Real Health Starts Within You

Stop trying to apply external forces to heal your inner misalignments

holistic health coaching
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As I study to become a holistic health coach— a career I never saw coming even one year ago — I understand more every day that we are in charge of our own healing. Anything that ails us is manifesting from within. There’s a misalignment somewhere and patterns are shifted, creating effects that we (in modern society) only notice when they produce effects in the physical parts of us. When this happens, the human experiencing it often turns to quick fixes, temporary relief, and hacks.

I’m here to argue that this is not the way to true health. And I think your deepest self already knows this very well.

You have the ability to heal yourself at any time. You can find inner balance and regulate your environment, evening out the irritants from within and without. Your ability to heal depends on balance and harmony, so please stop to think about your habits and what needs to change for your highest health to manifest.

I suppose you could say that if you got in an accident, this is not manifested from within. After an accident that disrupts your life and health, you need healing, too. But I’d even go so far as to accept that nothing is an accident, and what befalls you is written in the vibrations and manifestations of the universe with which you’re intricately woven.

Go within yourself. I’ll tell you how I do it: I meditate on my ailment. Whatever it is, I look very deeply into it, finding where it resides, and I deconstruct my whole body. In my mind, my body and spirit are dispersed so that the quantum particles and waves are spread out and exaggerated, and all that I am becomes clear. All that makes me up, body and mind, is explored. Nothing is taken for granted. Maybe I don’t even know what a human is.

Assume nothing about yourself. You’re beyond definition.

The other day my left eye began to twitch. I don’t often have eye problems, but I know they’re related to stress sometimes. I decided to take a bit of my meditation time every day to focus only on my eye and the underlying source of the twitching. I imagined love being poured into it one day. Another day I imagined bathing it in cold water, cooling it off soothingly.

The twitching eased off.

As a holistic health coach, I very much want to help others learn to do the same.

When you give yourself credit, you will see how much power you have. Don’t give your power away to someone else who says they can heal you. No one can heal you externally. Your healing is a choice, and sometimes it’s an inner choice that you aren’t even aware of. You are a quantum being made of light. You are able to do anything. Your own mind and beliefs are what’s holding you back.

You are a creature of infinite possibilities.

When you truly know your heart, you’ll understand that you always had the ability to be anything and do anything. We build walls and cages for ourselves. The world tries to teach us what we’re capable of, stripping us of our inner knowledge that we’re capable of anything and everything. But you can get this knowledge back when you enter the silence of your mind and confront your true self.

Manifest your dreams with an abundance mindset. Heal yourself with a limitless mindset. Understand that you’re so much more than a body in a physical world.

If you’re looking for a holistic health coach, please check out my wellness services. I look forward to helping you.

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