Why the Crap are We So Disconnected from Our Bodies?
Why the Crap are We So Disconnected from Our Bodies?

Why the Crap are We So Disconnected from Our Bodies?

Create health for yourself and the planet by seeing things holistically.

bodies and nature, holistic health
Image created using Canva

The modern world has made us believe that our bodies are machines. We are apparently masses of physical material, and miraculously this material gave rise to a working and brilliant human mind, yet science is perfectly okay with telling us that we don’t know how or why and we may never know. They’re happy to embrace the idea that somehow our minds would be non-existent without bodies. Our minds are apparently byproducts of biology. Whatever happened to holistic health? In Ayurveda and many other ancient medical systems, our bodies, minds and spirits were viewed as part of our holistic selves.

Furthermore, we are supposed to believe that we are totally disconnected from our environment, somehow alien transplants on Earth and in this universe, totally separate and totally above nature. I can’t believe how many people in the modern world say they “hate nature” and “don’t like the outdoors,” that’s just wild to me. We are inescapably woven into this tapestry of the universe and there’s no line to be drawn between us and a forest.

I think many humans are scared to admit that they are integral parts of nature because that somehow makes them less special. Humanity thinks it’s entitled to control nature and declare itself excluded from its workings. That’s why we say that it’s horribly unfair when a natural disaster, pandemic, or a bad storm happens. Apparently, we weren’t supposed to be part of nature, we were supposed to be able to use our get-out-of-jail-free card any time we wanted since we invented all this still technology to manipulate what’s going on around us.

But nature was never manipulated. We are deeply part of it, and so are our bodies. What we do to nature, we are doing to ourselves.

Technology has only harnassed some of nature’s powers, not gained control over it. So when we say that we aren’t slaves to our bodies and we can control our bodies, this is simply not the case and will never be because our bodies and our minds are the same entity, and they are both manifestations of our eternal spirits. What is ailing the body ails the mind and what ails the mind shows up in the body. This is how holisitic health approaches life.

Bodies are Manifestations of Us

People think that somehow we are allowed to eat and behave how we want, and when things don’t go our way, we can just go see a doctor and they’ll fix it for us so we can go back to being ridiculous again. The unhealthy cycle never stops. And if we act totally out of balance with our environments and with the world, we are somehow still surprised when things don’t go our way — the nature around us rises up against us, or our bodies send us alarm signals to disable us. We ignore those things since we think we are above nature and bodies. We are entitled, right? We are entitled to do whatever we want and it’s an injustice when we are sick or die.


We are spirits that never die and we aren’t born. We are just here in this life manifesting this character we play. Since we created ourselves here, our bodies are direct manifestations of our essential selves. What you do to your body is going to affect your entire self. It can impede your ability to manifest your highest self and become your best self on this planet.

So, stop eating packaged foods and processed foods, stop eating and doing things that your body tells you loud and clear not to do anymore. Listen deeply to your body. You are unique and like no one else. Your body might not be able to take the treatment that is recommended to you by friends, the media, and other sources.

And when you listen deeply, you’ll see how obviously your treatment of your body directly and immediately influences the processes of your mind and consciousness.

We are Connected to Everything

Just as our bodies are manifestations of our true selves, the nature around us is a manifestation of our collective consciousness. All the living beings of this world are creating this world together. We are no different from the duck in the pond except that we have a very clear ability to reason and make choices with knowledge of those consequences.

Despite our great intelligence, humanity has been able to convince itself of the falsehood that it does not belong in nature, and it can throw trash in waterways while producing air pollutants, and everything will just be fine because we aren’t living in the same world that is being polluted.

We are living in a fantasy world where dust is swept under rugs.

Well, I have a world-shattering revelation for you today: you are intricately connected in every way to the nature around you. And to all the other living things. We are on another plane together enjoying collective consciousness, but your ego creates an illusion that we are separate. So your job is to try to remember that you aren’t separate at all.

Your job is to act in such a way that doesn’t pollute and destroy this Earth. Yes, you. Not companies and governments. You. Stop using single-use plastic, cut down on your carbon footprint, and treat all life with respect. Don’t buy into the ideas presented about only companies being responsible and your individual actions not being significant: judge that for yourself. Why? Because literally what you’re doing to the life around you is an action on yourself.

Look Inward and You’ll Understand Holistic Health

You’re connected to your body and to nature. You are your body and nature. Though it feels separate, this is just an illusion of this manifestation we find ourselves living. Your body is a beautiful extension of your spirit and soul. The nature around us is actually part of us and it reflects how we’ve been treating it. Holistic health approaches can help restore balance.

Start living mindfully.

“A human is not a being; he is a becoming. He is an ongoing process, nothing is fixed.”


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