Healing is Hard Because You Must Look Within
Healing is Hard Because You Must Look Within

Healing is Hard Because You Must Look Within

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A lot of people aren’t ready to hear what I’m about to say. Healing is hard and many of us are stubborn about what we need to heal. People want to keep the past with them while simultaneously carrying around wishes for life to be different. 

They want to grasp tightly to something that is fading or gone — hoping for it to return. Or, they want their previous life to continue the way it was without making any real change, constantly grieving about the past trauma they’ve experienced, becoming a victim to others or circumstances. 

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Carrying the past with you is a big burden. Healing requires something to be left behind. Part of you must die in order to go forward in your life so that something new can grow within you. And victimhood does nobody any favors.

In addition, most people never want to admit that the root of their problems lies within them. The human ego loves to blame others and to look outside the self for solutions. Inner change is very hard for most people to create. But for anyone on a spiritual healing journey, it becomes obvious quite quickly that a shift within the self is paramount.

But I am not claiming that it’s easy by any means. Let me explain further.

Attached to Trauma

First of all, people are attached to their suffering. They think that anything going wrong in their lives is what defines them. Especially with deep-seated trauma that has been with them for a while, the person usually can’t imagine themselves without having it. It’s attached to them. But your identity doesn’t depend on your trauma and your existence isn’t a product of your pain.

To really heal, you have to be willing to release an identity you’ve created for yourself. 

You can transform your life at any moment, but you have to adopt a new story. You have to decide that you aren’t your trauma. You are able to live a life without it. This requires a huge inner shift.

Everything has an expiry date. Everything ends. Life is in constant flux. On the physical plane, this is the name of the game. You must release control now in order to be happy. You must accept that some things are ending in your life right now, and let them fall away.

There are more steps to go through when healing, but the attachment will be the biggest blocker to anyone trying to heal who isn’t really ready. 

The Answer Isn’t “Out There”

A lot of people think that if they pay a coach, doctor, or spiritual worker, they’ll heal. But the real healing happens within you. You choose to heal. 

It’s the same in both your physical body and your spiritual body. Your mind is in charge. The problem is that your subconscious mind is creating the biggest problems for you, and that is very hard to access or change.

Your body is part of your energy field. Your mind is reflected in the perceived world around you. Nothing is a coincidence or “just happens to you” in this world. You are responsible for your destiny because you always have the option to choose a higher vibration.

No amount of external assistance will make a difference to actual healing unless it’s playing a part in your inner transformation. There are many pills and substances that can alter and numb symptoms of your problem, but they are not real solutions. You can remove yourself from your environment and move away, but you bring yourself with you — therefore, the same problems will follow. 

It’s not the people or things that are the problem. They also can’t be the solution unless you’ve also set an intention to heal and make a change.

Are You Ready to Transform?

People usually don’t want to hear that they have to let go or that the problem resides within them. Are you ready to hear it? Being able to release the past, the need to be right, and the things you believe define you is a nearly superhuman skill. 

Your relationships can hurt and cause you pain for a long time. Your illnesses can cause physical and psychological trauma. Loss is a big one, and it can seem impossible to want to let go of something you’re grieving. But it’s possible, despite what you believe. It doesn’t mean that you love any less. 

The past can be the past so that you can live fully in the present.

You must be ready to choose to transform and leave things behind you. No one can choose it for you.

This is a very short article about a very heavy and complex thing to many people, and there isn’t space here to do it all justice. Healing is a multi-faceted experience. But to really heal, one must let go of what they’re carrying. This is an important aspect of the journey.

It’s by no means simple or easy to be on a healing journey. But you can’t heal and also carry the past with you at the same time. You have to make yourself free from the past and the future and live only in the now.

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

About Emily

I’m a spiritual coach, meditation instructor, tarot reader & psychic, and twin flame expert. I also love occult books and I nerd out on ancient mysteries.

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