Gain An Understanding of Same-Sex Twin Flames
Gain An Understanding of Same-Sex Twin Flames

Gain An Understanding of Same-Sex Twin Flames

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Out of all of the clients whose twin flame stories have been entrusted to me over the past two years, many have been about same-sex relationships. These stories are amazing because they get you thinking about the fundamental nature of love. Twin flames usually involve a “divine masculine” and “divine feminine” aspect, so it is fascinating to learn how these energies can manifest in ways that expand these concepts.

You may be surprised to know that about half of these stories involve people who identify as heterosexual. The twin flame experience comes as a shock to the system doubly for these souls as they have to confront both the undying, eternal love that faces them and questions about their sexual orientation at the same time. It is a testament to the twin flame journey as a path of soul-level love that transcends the physical realm of existence — where we usually think we live.

Bodies Don’t Matter

When twin flames meet each other, the physical bodies they inhabit matter very little. It becomes very obvious that attraction can happen on a purely spiritual level. This realization smacks them in the face.

Our bodies are merely a place where we dwell for now, but they should never be the point of focus. What really matters is the divine connection that the two souls recognize immediately. When they find each other, it is an awakening.

I have had dreams of my twin flame when he was in other bodies. Sometimes he is a woman, and I love him just the same. I know that if he showed up as a wolf or a hawk, I would recognize him and the love connection would be just as strong. That’s just how weird twin flames are. They come into your life to blow your mind. They show you that physical existence isn’t the most important aspect of life.

Divine Feminine and Masculine

‘Divine feminine’ and ‘divine masculine’ energies exist in each of us. We must all come into union within ourselves to balance them out. This inner journey is mirrored in the outer relationship of a twin flame. Often, twin flames identify with either the divine masculine or divine feminine energies in their relationships — and the meeting of the two can become a catalyst to embodying these energies further.

This awakening can happen in all twin flame relationships, not just same-sex ones. Believe it or not, some opposite-sex twin flames have told me that they feel that they embody the divine energy that is the opposite gender than the body they currently inhabit. This most often occurs in a man who has met their twin flame but feels that they express their divine feminine energy more than masculine, and they see their female twin flames as embodying divine masculine energy.

With same-sex twin flames, it comes as no surprise that one of the two often embodies divine feminine energy and the other embodies divine masculine energy. But I have also talked to countless twin flames who don’t think much about these concepts at all. As for me, it is simply interesting to note all of these experiences and stories I’ve heard. I don’t often feel attached to the gender energies as much as I am to the soul journey itself.

Reincarnation and Past Lives

You see, we have all lived many lifetimes, and we’ve been both men and women many times. It makes sense that you might identify strongly with one of the previous lifetimes when you were the opposite sex to your current lifetime.

Why should we limit who we love based on the bodies they inhabit? Love is not sex. Love is a divine connection. It transcends the human drama.

Remember that there is more going on here than meets the eye. The people you meet could be souls who you’ve met many times before.

Twin flames come together in the flesh when it is most beneficial to the soul’s awakening. They don’t necessarily appear in every lifetime. It isn’t for the purpose of romance and physical pleasures. It is supposed to be shocking.

If you’ve met your twin flame who is currently in a body that you wouldn’t normally be attracted to, then see it as a blessing. You have a unique opportunity to experience love in its purest form. Open your mind.

twin flame coaching

Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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