Why Do We Focus on the Breath?
Why Do We Focus on the Breath?

Why Do We Focus on the Breath?

focus on the breath meditation
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When you awaken and begin the search for answers about your existence, it can be confusing. There are several ideologies you might adopt, many of which are modified and watered-down versions of powerful ancient teachings. And there are plenty of spiritual teachers out there ready to take your money and teach you the way to ascension. Too often, these teachings keep you focused on the physical form, which is what enslaves our minds in the first place. 

Focusing on the breath is an example of this kind of practice. I believe that it is leading many people down the wrong kind of path because it keeps us from looking deeply within.

New-age spiritual teachings are almost always quick-fixes that offer a temporary benefit but don’t lead to lasting change. People don’t want to look within. It’s scary to confront reality. But the ego must be set aside for there to be a connection with Source and the physical form must be transcended for there to be spiritual freedom. Most modern spiritual teachers offer nothing more than bandaids and practices that scratch the surface of your spiritual potential. 

Embodiment and drawing awareness to the breath have lost their meaning. Why do we teach people to do these things? We don’t often hear an explanation of their benefits, and the origins of their popularity don’t seem important to modern teachers and students of the spiritual path. The world seeks easy body-focused practices like yoga and breathwork instead of spiritual enlightenment, and it seeks “wellness” first instead of oneness. But I am here to try to change this.

Focusing on the breath is only valuable when you already have a strong connection to your soul. I wish people would stop focusing on the breath and start focusing on their higher selves. The breath is in your physical body. But the physical form is holding you prisoner if you remain attached to it. You must free yourself by rising above physical reality and accepting that your body is a temporary form you’ve taken in this one incarnation. The breath doesn’t really matter that much in the quest for spiritual enlightenment.

Don’t seek embodiment. You are already embodied for you to be here on Earth, so you don’t need to commit to it anymore. Your soul chose to come here and take on this form so that you would have a barrier of separation that provides a challenge for you to overcome. You must find the way back up toward the light and oneness. The body and all the physical forms around it are mere distractions. They give you the illusion of separation on this plane. To find peace and bliss, one must go beyond the breath.

The breath keeps you focused on your attachment to the physical body, which is the root of much suffering on this plane of existence.

Once you have been meditating for a while and you know how to release your mind onto a higher plane, the mind naturally focuses on the breath. In a very peaceful state, there is nothing left to focus on. It’s the only experience left. But even this focus falls away as you learn to transcend the body and reach higher states of consciousness. The individuality of the ego dissolves into the oneness of the greater consciousness through this act of inner alchemy.

I’ve noticed that many spiritual teachers themselves don’t know how to reach a higher state of consciousness and transcend the ego, so how can they teach others to do it? But this is why we are on the path, and seekers of spiritual evolution need teachers who understand how it is done. We aren’t here to half-ass our spiritual journey while preserving the suffering of the physical plane. 

We are here to reach a new state of mind. We came to escape our internal suffering and create a better world. Unfortunately, most people — even yoga, breathwork, and meditation teachers — don’t want to put in the effort it takes to transcend and ascend.

The effort required is immense. The energy you must dedicate to your spiritual path to transform your life must be constant and unfaltering. It takes courage to commit yourself to shedding ego attachments and aspiring to be one with everything. Personal transformation is hard. Mental alchemy is the greatest achievement one can make in human form. 

Be aware that most people are living in their egos, even spiritual people because only a few souls incarnated here with you know how to teach the true focus of a spiritual path.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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