Find Your Purpose Despite the World’s Darkness
Find Your Purpose Despite the World’s Darkness

Find Your Purpose Despite the World’s Darkness

Our purpose is everything. It’s what fuels us. Find your purpose and nbe happier!
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There was a time not long ago when I wished I was dead. I didn’t want to kill myself, but I wished that I didn’t exist. I felt like I was in a dark abyss, falling and falling through the void — sometimes drowning in darkness. I wondered what the point of my life was. The crux of the problem was this: without a purpose, I didn’t want to be here.

Humans need a reason to be alive. They need to know the “why” of their individual life, and sometimes it also helps to know the “why” of humanity’s existence.

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To know you are doing meaningful things is the only thing that truly makes you feel alive. And yet for many of us, life seems bleak. It doesn’t feel like an individual can easily make a difference here, and even if we could, we would have to define what kind of difference we want to make first. This is very difficult for most people to do.

Humanity as a whole must also have a purpose, but the masses have lost sight of that. They squabble and fight for their individual desires without considering all of the lives on the globe while making their plans. 

We Are Programmed

We grow up believing that life is supposed to be mundane and we’re here to struggle. Most of us are focused on money, and when that happens, the really meaningful things seem to become invisible. If you only focus on what is lucrative for your personal wealth, then you might end up in the purely physical world, where you provide commodities for people’s distractions from reality. Your soul begins to die, in a way. 

People will easily pay for a service or product that is instantly valuable, without realizing it is temporary. Quick fixes don’t last. When you offer the public something that really means something to you and others, it will take a little longer to catch on and make you money. Most people give up on what’s meaningful because it’s too much effort and doesn’t give them instant satisfaction.

We learn that we’re here to serve someone above us and to forget dreams we may have had about becoming someone impactful. The programming we get as children makes it clear that we are cogs in a system. An illusion descends on us about the world being purely physical and “random”, where we are but specks of dust that have no purpose or meaning. All that matters to people is security — and that relies on an abundance of money.

Humanity is Broken

Without purpose, humans have nothing. We are broken. We have been beaten down into an abyss of meaninglessness by a system that wants us to forget who we really are. We are confused as a society. Humanity has lost sight of the fact that it is here to find love, peace, understanding, wisdom, and to generally evolve together. 

We need a divine connection in order to make life worthwhile. This is how a purpose is derived — through a connection with god or the universe.

When you realize that there’s something bigger than yourself, things change. The collective matters over your small self. 

Embracing the Greater Purpose

Your small self must be set aside for there to be satisfying, purposeful work here. We all die, and when you do, all the things you worked for can’t be merely based on boosting your individual life. You have to try to elevate others to a higher plane, otherwise your existence here means nothing.

To toil for your own ends or even those of your family unit is to live selfishly. You must expand your care and endeavors past this constricted realm to the greater collective of humanity. Only in that state of mind can you understand a feeling of usefulness and purpose. 

Shifting the focus from yourself to those around you brings joy and expansion. Helping the human oversoul’s evolution is divine work. And yet, so many of us choose to spread messages about surface-level pursuits. 

You’re Here for a Reason

Even if you don’t believe in anything spiritual, it changes nothing. You still do have a purpose. Everyone does. People may tell you that life has no meaning except what you make it, which is partly true, but your soul did come here on a mission. And no amount of logic can help you talk your way out of that. 

Your soul knows what you’re supposed to be doing right now and whether or not you’re successful. If you’re not, you’ll likely have to try again in the next lifetime. And you will feel very empty in this life.

To live life without knowing your purpose is very sad, indeed. You must have a reason bigger than yourself to make your days exciting. When you know you’re on a team and not just out here on your own, you can embrace the idea that there’s a part you’re playing. Your role here is monumental. 

Tarot Readings

Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Buy the Book

Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course

Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.

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