Feeling Like an Alien on Earth
Feeling Like an Alien on Earth

Feeling Like an Alien on Earth

feeling like an alien on Earth
Image created using Canva

I am honestly flabbergasted by the fact that most people feel comfortable with this reality. Being on this planet is super weird to me. I am not acclimated to this societal climate. I don’t jive with the way people think. It’s like I am an alien in my own world.

What’s very strange is that people are unhappy, and yet they accept the way things are playing out. They participate in the game and then they sit there and complain about it. Humans in modern, developed societies are miserable. I can’t speak for those living off the land in “primitive” communities (which still do exist) because in this lifetime I am a white suburban woman with perceived privileges. But a lot of the time, I wonder whether I am the privileged one or I am being punished somehow.

People around me are deeply attached to physical things or relationships. They never seem to look within. What the #@!* is this?

I think I am living among zombies sometimes. They are stuck in a dream, unable to wake up. But I see their souls. I know they’re not fundamentally brainwashed. On the surface, it seems like they are so trapped. What’s wild is that they believe they’re happy when they’re living in misery. They’ve been tricked into believing they are fulfilling their potential when in fact, they are doing nothing of the kind. I can’t wrap my head around it. How can they not see?

Selfishness also pervades. People don’t know the value of connecting with other humans for the greater good. That bothers me immensely. Life is so short, why live it only for yourself?

Is This a Joke?

People seem like they’re just living in a bad dream, being ushered along a path they have accepted without thinking too much about it. They don’t seem to utilize even a small percentage of their energetic and mental power.

Those with money want more, and the more they have, the more miserable they seem. Those who perceive that they don’t have enough want more, too, and can’t seem to find a way to change the system they live in, even though they vastly outnumber those who keep them in poverty. People in between the two positions think they’re living the dream life because they have some sliver of control over their destiny when in fact, they could be doing so much more in this lifetime. They’re brainwashed into abandoning their hopes and dreams to join the other zombies in the matrix.

We’re Devolving

We think that we’re living in the most advanced society in human history. Why? Because we have computers? Because we have smartphones and artificially-made medicines to inject into our bodies whenever we start to feel bad? I feel like maybe I’m going insane because I seem to be the only one around here who knows the truth: we’ve descended back into barbarism.

Smartphones make us all miserable, medicines probably often make us sicker than we would have been, and our whole lifestyle is basically killing us. If your body is well, I would wager that your mind is slipping. (Welcome to the club.)

Am I Insane or Are They?

I don’t understand life anymore. When I ask questions about why humans do what they do, people act like I’m the one who’s insane. That makes me just feel more out of touch. I am not even here anymore.

I watch elections come and go, with no real change. People are too cowardly to abandon their selfish desires for the greatness of humanity. They attach themselves more and more to money and the possessions they’ve accumulated which mean nothing when they reach the end of life. It’s all just silliness.

I really don’t feel like I belong here. I don’t think I am an actual alien or anything. But there’s something terribly wrong. Humans have the capacity to change life into something beautiful. We have access to a vast consciousness that can allow us to innovate ways to be happy, and yet we use it to innovate ways to attach to material objects more and more. We could harness the powers of the earth to live in harmony with all of creation and yet, we choose to destroy and exploit it.

Most humans don’t know what love is, although we have access to the source of it in our hearts. The collective ignores that and instead chooses to spread fear and hate whenever it gets the opportunity. To me, it’s so painfully obvious that things could be different. We don’t have to be barbaric. But somehow, we are choosing to.

Waking Up

Most of us are asleep. We are dreaming up this world together, and the majority of people are choosing a dream that hurts others around them. But they aren’t conscious about what they’re doing because they’re so attached to things outside themselves that they forgot their immense inner power.

I am not alseep nor am I dreaming. And maybe you aren’t, either. But why are we different? Why is this human existence so isolating? I want to go home.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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