Embracing Feminine Energy in Compliments
Embracing Feminine Energy in Compliments

Embracing Feminine Energy in Compliments

Arguing for femininity in a masculine-dominated world

Embracing feminine energy
Image created using Canva

Throughout my life, I’ve heard people argue for not complimenting girls on their looks or feelings, and for their feminine qualities. “Don’t tell her she’s beautiful, tell her she’s smart,” I hear. But no one ever explains why it’s wrong to value someone for their beauty. Why can’t we embrace feminine energy and be okay with complimenting that?

Of course, we all know why. It’s because our world is masculine-oriented, and those wielding power across the globe are men. For any woman to have a hope of succeeding in this society, they must reject their femininity and embrace their masculinity. They mustn’t focus on their physical beauty too much, or their mental powers will be overlooked. Physical abilities somehow mean the lack of mental abilities in our culture. You apparently can’t be smart and attractive, right?

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The feminine side of us is creative, sexual, magnetic, emotional, intuitive, and flowing. What is wrong with valuing these things and physical beauty? Our bodies are part of our overall beings, and they are a manifestation of our inner soul. If we end up having personal attraction, is that something to be denounced? It’s part of human existence.

Maybe we can allow ourselves to encourage girls to value their mental and physical powers. We can also start telling boys that they are valued for their physical beings and their beauty. The answer isn’t to stop allowing women to think success is only in the physical, but to normalize all people’s success, including that of boys, to include both physical and mental qualities.

Feminine energy is rising in the collective consciousness, so let’s review and re-assess all the things our society has determined important. We should embrace the feminine energy in all of us and cherish its effects.