How to Live From the Ego Mind
How to Live From the Ego Mind

How to Live From the Ego Mind

Living from the ego mind
Image credit: Canva

You’re not depressed, you’re just realizing that life isn’t what you thought it was. Life is a rollercoaster ride of surprises. You have to hang on for dear life and there’s nothing you can do to avoid the twists and turns. The ego mind will lead you to spiral out of control in fear if you let it.

If you want to delude yourself into believing that you have control, be my guest. If you want to convince yourself that you can build assurances against anything bad ever happening, by all means, let yourself believe it. It’s your choice to spend all your time battling against the scary unknown until you’ve totally collapsed from exhaustion.

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You’re allowed to totally lose touch with reality if you want to. You’re allowed to live in a fantasy world, even if it’s harder than facing the truth.

I’ll tell you how to do it. I’ll explain how you can back yourself into a corner. You might think you’re doing all the “right” things by worrying about money, security, health, relationships, and your career. Because that’s what other people do, right? So, you’re entitled to lose touch with all sanity. You can be like everyone else. It’s easy.

All you have to do is totally embrace fear and live in your ego mind. When you are afraid of a million things — and trust me, there are plenty of options on the menu to choose from — you go down a rabbit hole and start to prioritize silly things instead of your peace of mind. You get out of balance.

1. Just Stop Trusting Yourself and the Universe

Your life on Earth has the potential to be wonderful and worry-free. But you can lose all connection with the fact that the world might support you by believing that everyone and everything is out to get you. Just stop trusting and start living in fear. Believe that the universe is random and fairly cruel, and your only job is to stay afloat in the madness.

Stop allowing the world to lift you up when you’re kicked down. Refuse to listen when someone says that nature knows how to heal and that everything happens for a reason. There may be a great balance in the universe that protects all creatures, but you don’t need to buy into that nonsense.

You already know what would make you happy. You already know how to live in alignment with yourself and the universe. You know how to restore balance in your relationships and your health. There’s a little voice within you that tells you all the answers you need and to stop worrying because when you follow your authentic life path, everything will always be okay.

To lose touch with reality, you must silence your inner voice and only allow your ego-based, logical mind to take hold. Let the fears in. When you explain to others how you’re working extra hard, exhausting yourself trying to have insurance against all the bad things that might happen, they get it. Everyone else is used to using logic to justify their fears, too. Everyone else is living in their ego minds, too.

2. Always Expect the Worst

Life is tough. That tree in your front yard? It has shown no sign of posing a threat, but you are too worried about “what if” to believe that the universe has your back.

You shouldn’t use your heart to think, you should focus on logic — and logic tells you that if there’s a two percent chance that this tree might fall on your house, then you have to get rid of it. So just stop feeling connected to nature and get out of balance with it. Stop being friends with the trees and see them as potential enemies — and while you’re at it, see other humans that way, too. Then, you aren’t in balance with yourself and your deepest soul wisdom which tells you that there is love everywhere.

3. Get Comfortable with Being Unhappy

You might also be having trouble at work. Perhaps you never seem to really find a flow in any job you’ve had. Your career has been rocky. Maybe you’re striving for things that simply never seem to work out. You know that logically, you need to make money, and to keep growing in your career — no matter how ill-suited it is to your personality — to stay afloat in life.

If you keep trying to force it to work, you are aligning with your fears about being unemployed or changing careers. The same could be said for relationships. You are probably in an endless string of relationships with the same type of people, and there is always friction, but you seem to keep attempting to make it work. Even when your heart tells you this is wrong, you keep going because you want to force it to make sense.

This is how you lose touch with reality. Try to acquire more and more possessions, money, and relationships that make you feel “safe” and important. Stop trying to live moment to moment without expectations. You must have expectations, your ego mind will tell you. You can’t live without worrying about what might happen!

4. Stop Following Signs from the Universe

The universe gives you failures so you can steer in a new direction and finally make things work. They’re big signs that you’re constantly ignoring.

You can’t succeed at things that are based on fears. You’re scared of money and of being alone, and your actions to try to keep making it work out when it can’t are driving you to be completely out of touch with reality.

You know, deep down, what you really need to live a happy life, but you keep allowing yourself to wonder what would happen if you had no money or you were single. These fears make it so you can’t hear that little voice within you telling you that you should do the things that may not make sense but will deeply satisfy you because it’ll just work out somehow.

Trust that the universe always has a way of working things out if you’re in alignment with your purpose and deepest desires.

Go ahead, lose touch with reality. Try to have everything always make sense. Just merge into all the fears and the need for control. Give in to the ego mind. This is how you do it if you want to stay on the surface of life and be deeply unhappy.

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