Drag Queens Show Us Who We Truly Are
Drag Queens Show Us Who We Truly Are

Drag Queens Show Us Who We Truly Are

What could be more symbolic of human existence than someone assuming a role?

drag queen spirituality
Image created using Canva

I have had countless dreams about drag queens. They put on makeup and get into their costumes to assume a role of a totally new persona. They light up as they enter the stage to show the world this character they’ve conjured up from within them. What could be more of a metaphor for our spiritual journey than a chosen role that is played vibrantly and born out of our creativity? Drag queens are to be revered for this representation of our psyche.

“We’re all born naked and the rest is drag”


We are souls on a journey of reincarnation, and none of it is random. Over and over, we invent a new path for ourselves to live out — we literally create our persona, costume, and the stage, too. We just aren’t normally aware of it. We enter this arena called life with certain things waiting for us, to help us walk our paths. If we were totally aware of that, and if we kept our connection with the collective consciousness all the time, we wouldn’t be able to experience all the beauty of life.

Separateness is needed for the journey. For the adventure.

Drag queens teach us that we can literally reinvent ourselves anytime we want. There are no limitations. They awaken some dormant part of us that is waiting to acknowledge our true nature. They excite us, giving us an understanding that we created ourselves and we can re-create ourselves anytime we want. Most of all, they remind us that life is exciting. After all, if it begins to get boring, all we have to do is switch roles.

Yes, there is hope, my friends. You can change your life at any moment.

When things aren’t working out in life, some people change careers. Some people change spouses and relationships. But the reassuring message from drag queens is that you can do all of these things and also change your approach to life — your mindset. You can give birth to a new self anytime, tackling life’s problems with new vigor.

So, my dreams give me the meaning that I have been seeking in “waking life.” The drag queens and actors I keep dreaming about are showing me that this world isn’t the way we normally view it — it can be called an illusion or a manifestation. Whatever it is, we are living out life in this character on this stage — and there are no limitations here except our own beliefs.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

Deepak Chopra

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