Why You Shouldn’t Give in to The Ego
Why You Shouldn’t Give in to The Ego

Why You Shouldn’t Give in to The Ego

don't give into the ego
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There is a new trend emerging in the spiritual community. Spiritual people are rebelling against the idea that they should reach any version of enlightenment because they want to embrace their humanity.

They take the fact that we’re here in human form as a justification to embody their base instincts. They see many spiritual pursuits as curtailing their ability to be truly human. They don’t want to be told to hold back on any expression of their emotions or physical urges. They want to fully take part in every aspect of life, even if they give into their darkness a little bit. It almost seems as if they want their vices to be glorified.

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The ego must perk up when it hears this. “How exciting!” it says, “I have found a way to say I am spiritual while not changing anything. I don’t have to put in any effort at all!” The ego loves hide its vices behind a facade of spirituality.

Being Fully Human

The idea here is that you get to do whatever you want. We exist as humans for a reason, so let’s all allow the body and ego-mind to run amok. Let it all go wild!

Embrace bad habits. Act in an unhealthy way. Partake in mind-altering substances such as drugs and alcohol. Give into addictive, repetitive urges such as smoking, drinking, and having sex. Don’t think about the consequences. Never face the question of whether you’re making any progress on a soul level. You’re human! You should full feel it.

The argument is that it’s spiritual to be human. Being “divine” is nothing worth aiming for because it erases our precious human nature.

This is the doctrine set forth by these “spiritual” people. And I understand the basic premise that we’re human. We should embrace that. There must be a reason why we have these urges and emotions. There must be a reason why we find ourselves in these human bodies. This is something to think about.

However, I draw a different conclusion from these facts.

We Have to Evolve

The point of this isn’t to allow us to fall backward into de-evolution. That would be a mess. The point of being a soul in human form is to overcome the challenges presented by said emotions and urges, to progress, and to evolve.

In fact, when you really think about it, you’ve been giving into your animal urges most of your life. You’ve never fought your humanity. You’ve always embraced it, and you’re stuck. So, is your solution to embrace the stuckness? I hope not.

Anyone who is saying they want to embrace their humanity has probably never even tried to reach a higher level of consciousness. You’ve always been giving in to urges, indulging in your darkness, and allowing your mind to fill up with uncomfortable thoughts. And you’re miserable. Doesn’t it seem like something needs to change?

Get Off the Hamster Wheel of Suffering

You’re not here to indulge in fleeting pleasures, give in to temptation, or allow your animal instincts to run rampant. You have lower urges that come from your mindless, animal identity. Your ego will take over if you let it.

Let’s not forget that you’re a human being: you are a miracle because you have the gift of higher consciousness—your task is to tap into that and make use of it. Transcend the suffering through a portal in your own mind. Take control of what’s in there.

Don’t allow this lifetime as a human to pass you by without learning to escape from the hamster wheel of suffering and misery. It is a circular and futile motion to make so much progress in the collective consciousness, and then say that you’re going to fall back to a less sophisticated time in human evolution by allowing strong emotions and addictions to take over.

We have so much to accomplish together. Let’s not give up on enlightenment now. The ego needs to be released.

Don’t give into the ego’s version of spirituality.

Take Responsibility and Transcend the Ego

We live in very dark times. Many of us run toward anything that gives us even a moment of reprieve from our suffering. It’s become normal to live in denial of the fact that we’re slowly destroying ourselves. We deny reality — that the self (the ego) is the cause of the suffering. We like to stay blind to that fact. It’s impossible to get off a hamster wheel when you are both the hamster and the wheel.

The ego seeks temporary forms of peace that give the illusion of escape. We want to numb ourselves so we don’t have to face the misery. In our personal lives, things are hard enough, and then we look to the greater collective and see suffering on a grand scale — witnessing our fellow man killing without mercy and destroying precious life. Humanity has found itself at a low point. But that doesn’t mean that you should go down with the sinking ship.

We all share a responsibility to find a lasting way out of the suffering we face. Giving into animal urges may sometimes provide a rush of pleasure or peace for a moment, but it fades quickly and you find yourself back in the mindless misery of human existence. But that misery is only made possible by you — by the arrangement you’ve allowed in your mind.

The ego wants you to keep embracing your humanity, trust me. It would like nothing more. But this is precisely what has kept you a slave to your humanity all your life. Now it’s time to make a choice — will you rise above it? Will you transcend the suffering and seek a higher level of consciousness?

Please seek enlightenment. That’s the way we’re all supposed to be going.

If you need help, you are more than welcome to come to one of my meditation classes where you’ll learn to transcend the mind’s suffering on your own.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.