Death Is Birth for the Soul
Death Is Birth for the Soul

Death Is Birth for the Soul

death is birth
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It is often asked, “If the universe isn’t cruel, then why does it allow so many people to die?” We think of wars as “unfair” because we assume the people in question died before their time. And yet, we must face the obvious truth: we will all die. None of us is guaranteed to live beyond today. No one is exempt. However, to the cosmic observer, it is also obvious that death isn’t bad. Death is scary to the human ego because it feels like an ending, but spiritually, death is a beginning.

Death is birth and birth is death.

Nothing in physical form is permanent. Everything is temporary. This is part of Natural Law. Everything and everyone on this plane of existence dies at some point in time. (That is precisely what makes the present moment here so precious.) To the soul, death is just a part of existence — a great transition to a new adventure.

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When we die here, we are born “over there” and a whole new, wonderful life begins.

To the human, ego-based side of our consciousness, it is very sad when death takes someone who doesn’t seem to deserve it. But to the soul, it’s birth. Our small perspectives on human life limit us to only see the physical realm. It creates so much fear and sadness when we can only see a part of the whole.

We don’t often perceive the greater picture — that there is a much bigger journey of the soul. This life is just one phase of it.

Awakening is awareness.

When we die here, our friends and family mourn. And we are born to a new awakening, into a spiritual realm where we are meant to process, contemplate, and understand. It’s a wonderful place to be, without attachments to a physical form or worries that come along with that. When you are born here, you die there, and all your friends and family mourn your passing.

It is cyclical. It is divine…and it’s almost hilarious that we aren’t aware of it while we’re here.

We aren’t supposed to be aware of it — at least not from the start. Some of us awaken while we’re on this life journey. We realize that death is part of the magic that happens here, and it changes the way we approach life. When you are aware of what this really is, the stress and worry doesn’t seem to come into play anymore.

The purpose of coming to Earth is to find love.

We come here to experience total blindness and darkness so we can find the light again. The only way to transcend our suffering is to understand that death is not the end of the soul, this is just one part of the journey – a transformation. Then, we understand that the physical strife of life on Earth is not that important — what’s important is what endures beyond life: kindness, love, and wisdom.

Being human is supposed to be a challenge in embodying unconditional love.

It’s supposed to be weird. You are a physical being that is challenged to realize that it’s a soul that can’t die. Love is all that matters.

Just because you know death isn’t the end, it doesn’t exempt you from feeling the pain when someone you love leaves this plane onto the next. Separation is still real.

They’re not gone, and you’ll definitely see them again. But you can still miss them dearly. The pain you feel is real because what ends here is so final. That is part of the suffering we must learn to deal with. All things end and we must learn to let go — and not to hang on so tightly in the first place.

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Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.

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