We Are Co-Creating Reality
We Are Co-Creating Reality

We Are Co-Creating Reality

We are co-creating reality
Image created using Canva

Most of us are sleeping. We don’t realize what consciousness means. We’re all taking part in the co-creation of reality. To wake up from the dream we live within, we must know at every moment that it is an illusion. What we experience through the five senses is not what it seems. Not at all.

Everything you see around you is a mirror image of something inside you. Maybe it’s a current feeling or a past thought. Maybe it’s your unhealed childhood trauma. Whatever it is, there’s no hidden message. There’s no deception about it. It’s a direct reflection of the real you.

That may scare you, and I don’t blame you. It’s easier to crawl back into Plato’s cave to live in darkness. Ignorance is bliss, right?

Going In and Out of the Dream

Most people can’t handle the truth about reality, so they stay in the cave. But I don’t believe that’s why you’re reading this. You’re interested in coming into the sunlight to have it all revealed — and to keep it in your awareness. It may seem daunting, but it’s possible to be self-aware at all times and accept that you’re looking into a mirror.

Waking up from the dream was always going to be weird, but you’ll get used to it. I promise.

It’s easy to catch a glimpse of the real world and then go back into the cave. We can have a revelation about how none of our lives was ever real and we were creating it all along. We can see that the universe is giving us lessons that are intertwined with our innermost beliefs. We can touch enlightenment. And then we can turn back. Some of us reach this level of consciousness and then lose it.

It’s not a linear path. Awareness sometimes comes in waves. Reality is tempting to the ego. We tend to attach to the separation we perceive between ourselves and “things” in the world. But none of it is separate from the self. We are all one. We are co-creating. The life you experience is you.

Maintaining Awareness of the Illusion

What does it mean to wake up? You have to enter your daily life with this awareness. Don’t let it fade. When you talk to people, remember that you’re talking to yourself in a way. There’s no separation. When you feel anxious, remember that it’s a lesson. When you encounter a trigger, know that you are creating it and it’s happening so you can overcome it.

As you make decisions, large and small, maintain awareness that they will be reflected in your reality — possibly in a way that you didn’t perceive to be related.

To stay asleep means to ignore all of these things. You will constantly feel a lack of control or responsibility for your experiences. Thoughts and feelings will come and go without order or reason, and you won’t feel good. You’re living at the whim of the ups and downs of the experiences you’re having. This isn’t desirable. Right?

Taking Responsibility for Your Thoughts

We are co-creating this dream together. Awakening is about facing the ways you impact your own life — even with your thoughts, which you didn’t believe had that kind of effect on the outer world. But they do.

Karma doesn’t work how you think it does.

Things don’t operate in a “logical” way in the world of energy and consciousness. When you create an intention or make a choice, you are sending signals into the universe that come right back at you — with ten times the force sometimes. Energy is moving through you all the time, and it responds to your movements. Staying aware of the purity of your inner world is important, and you’ll see how it changes your life.

Being awake entails a difficult path. It’s not for the faint of heart. You want to feel like things make sense and you have some control, but that takes a huge shift in your awareness. Swallow the red pill. It might hurt. However, if you made it to the end of this article, I think you’re ready. You may already be doing it.

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Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your spiritual journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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