If You’re the Chaser Twin Flame
If You’re the Chaser Twin Flame

If You’re the Chaser Twin Flame

chaser twin flame

Are you hoping to hear from your twin flame? That person who feels like a mirror of you, totally familiar, and makes it seem like no one else in the world exists? You’re chasing your twin flame. You’re ‘the chaser’ and they’re called ‘the runner’. Your greatest desire is to be with them fully, right? And their behavior makes no sense. They withdraw and there’s no explanation. It’s just fear. What can you do to bring them back to you? You’re the chaser twin flame and I have some advice for you.

Being “the chaser” makes you the self-aware twin. You are able to see what’s really going on and you have awakened to the true meaning of your life. You see how the twin flame stuff fits in with the big picture. Your twin may not have reached this level of awareness due to fear and other life barriers. They are somehow caught up in the physical world.

You can’t do anything for them except wait. You can’t force them to wake up. They will reappear when it’s time. When they are ready, they’ll come back.

You can’t control other people, especially your twin flame. All you can do is focus on yourself. Here are some ways that you can be the best version of yourself and work on your soul growth while you wait for your twin flame’s return. It’s all about shifting focus from them to you and healing your own wounds.

Work on Your Issues and Baggage

It’s up to you to heal your wounds. If you are like many people, you feel like having this twin flame in your daily life will complete you. But the truth is that nobody completes anyone. You’re already complete. It’s just so hard to see that.

Stop looking outside yourself for fulfillment. Stop trying to heal by distracting your mind and your body from what’s within you. Turn away from outer events and situations and face yourself. Face the darkness.

You have to figure out what has made you the way you are and take ownership of your own thoughts.

We all carry baggage that’s leftover from trauma in our lives. When you set an intention to heal this, you start a chain of events and release energy that can be powerful. It can heal you just by being called in — and what’s even more astonishing, it may heal others, too.

Your own healing work will actually heal your twin flame, too. And you will probably be very aware of it through your conscious connection.

Expand Your Heart

Learn to love, love, love. You already know how because you acknowledge that twin flames are real. This means you believe in true love — earth-shattering and life-changing love.

But you must love others, too. You must acknowledge that love isn’t always romantic.

Love is everywhere. And you have an endless supply in your heart. Learn to love all beings. Learn to love the person who serves you food in the Taco Bell drive-thru and the driver who refuses to let you into their lane in traffic. Learn to love your exes who hurt you. Learn to love the people who seem like they only have bad intentions, for we all get lost sometimes.

Meditate on your heart and let it expand so big that it engulfs the whole world.

Opening your heart is going to let the universe know that you’re ready for true love — the love of your twin flame. Removing fear and healing trauma will help this expansion. As the chaser twin flame, you need to try to heal as much as you can. It may just bring them back to you — and bring in a lot of other great things, too.

Are You Really the Chaser Twin Flame?

In my twin flame journey, sometimes I thought I might actually be the runner. I found that there was always a higher level of self-awareness to reach. Sometimes, I saw that I had fear in me. Was I really ready for such a deep love?

Sometimes we have to stop and wonder if we’re rushing in so fast that we don’t see our own setbacks. We don’t realize that our heart isn’t expanded enough or unblocked enough. It’s easy to assume we’re ready for something simply because we think we want it badly. But maybe some things we desire are actually not able to manifest because we aren’t really ready for them.

So, stay in an abundance mindset and believe that anything is possible. Realize that we can all work on our abilities to feel pure love.

You’re never really ‘done’ with your spiritual work.

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Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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