I Sorta Lost My Mind During My Spiritual Awakening
Reality seemed to shift and I felt that I had to re-invent my identity as I was going through a spiritual awakening.
Reality seemed to shift and I felt that I had to re-invent my identity as I was going through a spiritual awakening.
Before meeting your twin flame, there are a few conditions that are usually met. It usually accompanies a spiritual awakening.
Inner work requires commitment and courage to look within. To learn how to do inner work, you must start by understanding the self deeply.
What is the meaning of the term ‘dark night of the soul’? It’s a spiritual term that is all about keeping faith in the universe despite all odds.
Is the number 111 popping up everywhere you look? This is an important number in your spiritual awakening. Here is what it means.
Going crazy over your twin flame is a spiritual experience. The twin flame arrives in your life as a great catalyst for an awakening.
There is nothing to fear. The Universe has your back. You don’t need to try to force things. It will all fall into place if you’re doing what feels right and genuinely helping other people.
The spiritual path can be rough. As you ascend you may lose friends, like the eagle climbing to new heights.
Have you felt like you are depressed, but on a spiritual level? Spiritual depression is when the soul has hit rock bottom.
Physical reality is not as it seems. The realm of form must be understood in spiritual terms so that it can be transcended.