Can You Cut Cords With a Twin Flame?
Can You Cut Cords With a Twin Flame?

Can You Cut Cords With a Twin Flame?

can you cut cords with a twin flame
Image credit: Canva

When I wanted to be done with my twin flame and move on with my life, I tried anything I could to cut energetic ties. I felt like I was losing my mind every day and it was uncomfortable. I was in pain. I wanted it to end. If you’re on this journey, too, you may be in the same spot. And it’s normal to want to cut cords with your twin flame. But I wouldn’t recommend trying it, and I’ll tell you why.

Your twin flame and you are deeply connected — you’re eternal together. You’ve never known existence without them, spiritually. In your human form, as you see the world through the ego, you perceive strife, betrayal, abandonment, and disrespect. These are mirrored back at you by your twin flame who is your soul partner. They are parts of your darkness. The ego sees a problem that needs to be released; the soul sees a valuable opportunity to heal.

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Your twin flame is able to show you exactly where you need to heal without even trying because they are part of you. They are you. How can you cut cords with someone like that?

Whenever you feel the urge to cut cords, I recommend looking within instead. Face the very uncomfortable parts instead of trying to remove this person from your mind. If it’s a true twin flame, then they’re not the problem. They’re just mirroring your wounds.

We all have darkness within us that’s always there. The twin flame just brings this forward to your awareness. I think that makes us pretty lucky — most people don’t get this opportunity. Of course, this is very hard to swallow when we’re deep in the pain of the darkness.

My twin flame was on my mind constantly, haunting me. I could barely stand it sometimes. I used to do any ritual I could to clear my energy of him and to forget I ever met him. Then, it only got crazier.

If I denied his significance in my life, I would end up getting physical symptoms like dizziness, a racing heart, and lightheadedness. It would arise out of nowhere. I would have to lie down. I was useless for a while. It was obvious that something was wrong. I think I was not in sync with my higher self. I knew after trying to cut ties a few times and experiencing these anxiety-like symptoms that I should not try to do this anymore.

My soul knows the truth, but when my human self denies that truth, things fall apart. My physical self has to be calibrated with the energy of my higher self in order to function. To deny such a monumental truth like a twin flame relationship is to deny basic reality, so basic reality will be hard to function within if you deny your twin flame.

This is why cutting cords is a bad idea. It’s not possible anyway, but to even attempt it is dangerous. It can cause you to dissociate with reality. Better to just face it.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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