Why You Should Believe in Miracles
Why You Should Believe in Miracles

Why You Should Believe in Miracles

believe in miracles
Image credit: Canva

When I was going through some rough times spiritually and emotionally, people around me told me that I needed to have a positive mindset. They said that life will be “what we make of it” and other cliches to try to motivate me to feel better. But all this did was make me resentful. I even blocked at least one of these people because it was so annoying to hear these words amid my grief. I was mad because a miracle had happened to me and then it was promptly taken away. So, how can I still believe that my life is what I make of it? Did I manifest my own despair?

I had lost my faith in the universe.

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But time has passed. I turned around and let the faith come back. The only thing that was repelling me from it was anger toward the universe and toward divine forces. The grief and anger subsided and I saw again that there is no choice but to believe that there is a great purpose and order in all things.

I’ve been to the dark side and back, my friends. I would like to take you on a magical mystery tour now that might help you to understand that no matter what befalls you, you will always have great days ahead if you choose it. There is always more. If you’ve experienced deep love, there is going to be deeper love. If you’ve achieved greatness, there is always something greater possible. We must only make space within us for those things to occur.

All it takes is belief and an understanding of reality beyond what we typically accept.

Book a spiritual coaching session with me! I am looking forward to helping you on your journey.

This Is All an Illusion Anyway

The first thing to realize when you’re feeling like things in this world are awful is that none of this is real. It’s an illusion.

This whole existence and life you’re living is a play. You’re in a role. The universe needs to see it played out. The plot wouldn’t be enticing if there weren’t ups and downs. The soul lessons you need to learn wouldn’t be accessible unless you were in this role experiencing the play as it unfolds. The script is written so that you can learn and grow.

When you realize that this life as you know it is a fleeting situation, you can live it without being so attached to the plot. You can also detach from the role you’re playing and see yourself as the role-player — the soul who is playing a part. You’re not the character, you’re just filling their shoes.

The plot will have ups and downs and there’s always the possibility for it to completely turn around — and it frequently does. We can’t read the script while we’re here playing it out. But there are always sure to be surprises along the way. Whether you believe in them or not, miracles can happen at any time.

I’m on the edge of my seat right now just thinking about it!

Things Can Change in an Instant

Look back on your life — things don’t stay the same. Unexpected things happen all the time. So why would you stop believing in miracles when you have no idea what’s coming in the next chapter of your life?

This world operates in ways we simply can’t predict. Most of us spend a lot of time trying to foresee what’s coming and build methods of protection against the future. We want insurance. We are afraid of the unknown — that inaccessible thing that is just outside the present moment.

But what if you shift your mindset to believe that anything can happen, to embrace that, and to even celebrate it? Instead of fearing the unknown, you can enjoy it. Instead of cowering in the face of uncertain possibilities, bask in the light of infinite potential. Flip the script.

I believe that this is when miracles occur. We attract good things into our lives when we surrender to the flow of life and understand that things are in a constant state of flux in this reality.

You Create Your Reality

If you believe in something, does it make it more likely to be true? I am still undecided. However, I do think that a high-vibe mindset doesn’t do anyone any harm. And I think that if we let something into our reality just by believing in it, then we help create it.

Likewise, if we don’t believe in something, it may just pass us by. I think this is mainly because we won’t even be able to see it when it lands right in front of us.

However, when we’re grieving, none of these words get through. And that’s okay. Sometimes we must feel the pain of the ups and downs. Just make sure that you aren’t actually putting energy into negative beliefs and outcomes because they just might happen to you. Be sad, but don’t perpetuate the calamities.

When you focus on something, the attention of all the consciousness in the universe also focuses on it. It grows. It attracts energy. And then just maybe it will create itself as you intended, just because you focused your own beliefs and intentions on it. But if you never even try, you won’t know. You’ll just be cynically bounced around in the universe like a ping pong ball, spiraling downward and blaming bad luck for your circumstances.

Take control of your life. Realize the power you have.

Miracles Are Coming

Don’t stop believing. Keep the faith. Things may seem bad for you now, and I know because I have been there, but ultimately, there is a divine plan in all that you’re experiencing. You’re being pushed to create your own miracles against all odds. Your strength is being tested.

Miracles are always possible. Life can turn itself around in an instant. You just never know what’s coming. The plot of your life has its ups and downs, and as long as you see it as a play, you can learn to ride the waves instead of being drowned by them every time.

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