A rundown of what I do in the mornings to have a productive and perfect day

In the mornings, I like to do a handful of rituals that set me up for an amazing experience the rest of the day, and none of them involve coffee. When I can’t find time and I skip them, life just isn’t as good. I learned about these things from studying Ayurveda, and I was so inspired by how they changed my life that I decided to become a certified Ayurveda teacher so I can pass on this wisdom to others.
I now wake up at dawn. It took me a month or two to comfortably wake up with the sun, shifting my schedule to go to sleep earlier. Ayurveda says we need to do this in order to truly live in our circadian rhythm for maximum health.
We simply must get back in tune with natural patterns. We’ve been trained to forget those natural rhythms after living with modern conveniences that allow us to defy nature. This can’t be very good for us in the long term, though. Our bodies were made to flow with the rhythms of the sun, moon, and planets.
Our bodies were made to wake up with the sun, and there are other things we can to do help wake up.
The Routine
After getting out of bed and of course peeing, I do these things:
- Tongue scraping to remove toxins
- Drinking lemon water to wake up the digestion
- Getting some aromatherapy going in diffusers around my house
- Doing some yoga, even just for five minutes (you can choose another type of movement)
- Meditate, even just for two minutes
- Self oil massage (this is the most beneficial of all of these rituals)
- Showering, making sure not to wash off all the oil with soap so it can stay in the skin all day long
If you do even a couple of these things each day, you’ll start to notice a difference pretty quickly. Doing all of them is a lot. I recommend choosing one or two to try to introduce to your morning routine this week, then adding more. Having a routine, in general, is great for many people because it keeps them grounded.
I hope this healed you in some way.