A Chai Recipe for Your Dosha
A Chai Recipe for Your Dosha

A Chai Recipe for Your Dosha

An Ayurvedic way of making delicious chai – healing for your digestion

Ayurvedic chai recipe

I recently began making chai in a pot every morning and drinking it all day, and I feel great. Chai is full of warm spices and black tea. It can be sweetened with your favorite sweetener and mixed with your favorite creamer. If your dominant dosha is Kapha, you should use non-dairy creamers. If your dominant dosha is Vata, decaffeinated black tea might be better, or a very small amount of tea leaves. If your dominant dosha is Pitta, adding some fennel seed can’t go wrong, and I find that some vanilla counteracts the heartburn I might get, as well as a smaller dose of the tea leaves. It’s up to you. I’ve provided my own delicious ayurvedic chai tea recipe.

However, my dominant dosha is Pitta and I follow this recipe without fennel seeds and it’s wonderful. Even if you have no idea what a dosha is, I think this recipe will calm your mind and digestion.

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5 cups water
1 tablespoon delightTeas chai powder (or another chai powder)
1 tablespoon black tea (I like Hackberry Tea’s organic Darjeeling)
1/2 cup pure organic cane sugar

boiling the ingredients
  1. With the water in a stovetop pot, boil it with the ingredients, stirring occasionally. Yes, I throw the loose tea right in there! I like letting the tea leaves unfurl to their greatest potential.
  2. I like to boil it for a minute and then turn off the heat, but later in the day I’ll heat it up again. The more it boils, the tastier and thicker it gets. Let it gain strength and potency.
  3. To pour it into a cup, I use a pour-over strainer. If I don’t drink all of it before bed, I put it in the fridge and heat it up in the morning. Your gut will thank you for the gift of warmth in the morning.

To get 12% off the Ayurvedic chai powder I like from delighTeas, I got a coupon code for you from the seller: 12DELEmily

Let me know if you like this!

final result

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