This life is a dream. None of this is real — not in the sense we often think it is. Humanity operates within a system, approaching physical objects as solid instead of made of tiny energetic particles. The collective consciousness has dreamed all of this up. It approaches existence as having strict boundaries when the only restrictions on you here exist within your own mind. Awakening consciousness means learning how this dream works.
This is a mass illusion. It’s not a delusion — because nothing is wrong with it, besides what we decide is wrong while dreaming. You have choices — you don’t have to buy into this illusion. You can observe the great dream and determine how you will enjoy it while you’re here instead of allowing it to determine your mental state.
You are not supposed to be a slave in this dream.
When you wake up, things change. Spiritual awakenings allow you to see that the hard parts of existence as a human are part of a great journey, and you can learn to see it as a thrilling adventure instead of a tragedy. Lucidity is transcendence.
Life isn’t a tragedy. Only when we get so attached to our physical existence here does it become hard, and we become like slaves to it. But that’s a choice.
Soul University
You came here as a soul to enjoy this place and allow the lessons to be learned. This is Soul University. And university is no joke — you have to produce a thesis by the end of all of this. You have to report back to the collective after this life is over — after you wake up from this dream — so that the other souls can learn from your experiences.
But you know what? University can be fun. It’s not all misery and hard work. Some of it is partying and doing whatever you want. Just like the university experience we know, the education that the soul receives here can be a wild and thrilling experience. You don’t have to take it totally seriously — you can play the game without attaching to the game.
What I am saying is that you can wake up during the dream. Treat this as any other dream — have you heard of lucid dreaming? You can be awake to the fact that it’s not “real” and then all the fun starts. You realize that you can do anything you want.
Lucidity and the Imagination
The boundaries of this reality are nothing more than the boundaries of your own imagination. Your mind is the boss here. But, just like in a sleeping dream, there are some structural and conceptual designs which are seemingly hard-wired into the story here. You feel like you can’t change parts of reality — and that’s because the limitations in your mind are set in place. There is no difference between this world and the world you go to when sleeping.
If you could access the part of your consciousness that determines the boundaries here, you could change them and walk through walls, levitate, become invisible, and teleport.
Think about having a lucid dream, where you’re aware that it’s a dream. Because you realize that it’s not “real”, you are more easily able to transcend its limitations. It’s not so easy in “waking” reality because we are so habitual about the perceived limitations here. We think that this is the real place, and dreams are somehow less real, so in lucid dreams, transcending limitations is way easier.
It can be as easy here, too. But that will take some work on your own. Teach yourself to transcend.
Do the Work
I am just opening the door for you. Believe that life is limitless. Know what this is. Waking up while you’re in this dream is the first step. Understanding that you manifest your life is necessary to make the next spiritual leap in your soul journey. Owning the fact that you co-create reality with your energy vibrations is important to your healing as a human.
Some of the limitations you’ve put into place in your life have caused some very undesirable outcomes. But they can be reversed anytime you like. You can find love where you found sadness, lack, or anxiety before. You don’t have to allow the dream to have power over your beliefs.
It’s up to you to put in the work to re-create your reality.
Tarot Readings
Emily offers tarot and psychic readings to help you understand your life’s journey. These are done by Zoom, phone, or email. Ask questions on any topic you like!
Buy the Book
Emily’s latest book, Messy Meditation, is all about the struggles of any meditation practice. This is a realistic path toward inner peace, embracing the darkness and the light.
Calm Body Elevated Mind Meditation Course
Learn to meditate and establish a practice with a group on Zoom in this 3-week course with Emily.