The Ancient Origin of Twin Flames and Tarot
The Ancient Origin of Twin Flames and Tarot

The Ancient Origin of Twin Flames and Tarot

The ancient origin of twin flames and tarot
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The origin of twin flames goes back thousands of years. According to occult science and philosophies, the soul divides into two as it descends to the physical plane and embarks on a journey of many lifetimes to evolve and ascend back toward oneness. Texts such as The Sacred Tarot by C. C. Zain and Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky describe the soul’s journey, known in the meaning of the word Tarot as “The Royal Path of Life”, as the repeated entrance to Earth and the experiences that must be had to gain soul wisdom. The twin souls, known today as Twin Flames, must find a way to become one again, ascending together on the higher planes. Union may not occur on this plane.

These philosophies about life originate many thousands of years ago, before the creation of ancient texts we have access to in modern times. This wisdom can be traced to Egypt. Symbols of the soul journey and spirituality of twin flames found in the Tarot come from the earliest human belief systems.

Much of the original meaning of the Tarot and the ways it helps us understand the soul journey has been ignored in modern times, forgotten but not lost. You can access it any time you choose by reading books written by Manly P. Hall, Dion Fortune, and C.C. Zain. You may gain an understanding that we evolve as souls — just as we alter the ways we interpret the symbolism in the Tarot.

Every single card is a point in the soul journey. And it all revolves around the twin souls — divine counterparts who sometimes meet. As they ascend higher and reach new levels of consciousness, they draw each other in closer. Between lives, they come together and review the understanding of their path. They process their learnings. They make plans for the next lifetime together.

Everyone has a twin flame. They are you. But you may not meet them until you’re ready.

The Major Arcana in Tarot is a story. It’s a complete cycle. Your journey starts with The Magus (The Magician, Aranum I), having left the void between cycles known as The Materialist (The Fool, Arcanum 0 and 22), and the journey goes through many ups and downs, like the most incredible movie plot you can imagine, and ends with The Adept (The World, Arcanum 21). The Sacred Tarot explains this journey further. “[Arcanum XXI ] designates the true spiritual fusion, the union of twin souls, the attainment of the Great Work.” (Chapter 9)

Masculine and feminine are polarities in the universe and they exist in everything you find here. They are the balance that enables existence. Twin flames represent two polarities of one soul. They are not only an expected part of existence but a necessary part of the spiritual makeup of the universe. We all have a twin flame and although we may not meet them physically in every lifetime, we must find a way to come into union sooner or later. That involves a lot of work on the self.

Reach spiritual enlightenment, and your twin flame will be there with you. You will meet on the higher planes. It’s just part of your journey. But the focus should always be on you and your own spiritual transcendence. Release attachments on the physical plane and embrace universal love. Rise above the earthly suffering you experience by loving all things.

These ideas have been lost in time, but I am trying to revive them and teach the wisdom they provide so that people can be conscious of the origin of twin flames and tarot when they use these terms. If you are a curious one like myself, I recommend looking further into this by seeking The Brotherhood of Light website where you can purchase The Sacred Tarot and other books about mental alchemy. I also offer courses that help you on this journey.

twin flame coaching

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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