Alignment and Manifestation: The Way We Make Things Happen
Alignment and Manifestation: The Way We Make Things Happen

Alignment and Manifestation: The Way We Make Things Happen

alignment and manifestation
Image credit: Canva

Talk of manifestation is everywhere. Just yesterday, as I was ending a meditation session, one of the participants said to me “yes, manifest it!” when I mentioned a book I was planning to publish soon. Manifestation is the hot new thing. And that’s why I’m here to tell you that it’s bullshit. Talk of alignment and manifestation is usually not something we hear because it’s difficult – it goes beyond a mere focus on what we want.

Alignment is better than the mainstream idea of manifestation, trust me. Alignment and manifestation are slightly different, but they work together. Keep reading.

You will always want more stuff.

Let’s start by picking apart the idea of manifestation. It is a way for individuals to rail against their living realities to make a change. People are sad. They’re depressed as hell. They desperately want their lives to change. There are few people out there who will tell you that they love their lives and they want for nothing. Rich and poor, healthy and sick, coupled or single, there’s almost no one who is just living in perpetual bliss. That’s why we try to manifest our desires, right?

Here’s the thing. After the universe “manifests” your desire, then you start to want something else. You naturally keep wanting more. You may even get excited that you’ve unlocked the secret of manifestation, so you decide to try for bigger and better things. Then, when that manifests, too, you get a really big head, don’t you? And that’s when you start making social media posts about how you manifested your family and your dream house. All in an attempt to manifest even more toys for your family or crap to put inside your new house.

The string of desires never ends.

If your desires continue to manifest, that’s really cool. But you didn’t do it. You just got lucky.

You are part of a whole.

The universe moves through time as a unit. Did you know that the word cosmos means ‘order’? You’re part of a bigger thing than yourself. You aren’t here to just manifest possessions and property and relationships. You’re here to work with the greater sea of existence to make things happen for us all.

All things are conscious. Consciousness pervades all things. Whatever you’re doing is just part of it all, and wherever you’re headed in life is part of where we’re all headed. There is a greater purpose to it all, and you also have a purpose that’s aligned with the universe. You get me?

So, when you’ve managed to “manifest” something, is it out of your sheer willpower, or is it because you happened to want the same thing as the universe?

Life is supposed to be a mystery.

As we all know, the things we want don’t usually just happen. That’s a fact of life. We’re on a journey that we can’t anticipate. No one can see the future — or at least the whole future. Sometimes we get psychic glimpses of it. What even would be the point of life if we could get anything we wanted just by thinking positively and having the “right” mindset? That would be boring.

There are countless times in all of our lives when we’ve had a perfectly positive mindset, and bad stuff happened anyway. And there are people who have really pessimistic ideas about life, and yet they still get what they want. Somehow, many of us are still duped by grand messages on social media or our friends telling us that we make our own realities and everything is a matter of perspective or mindset. “You can manifest whatever you desire if you just focus”, I heard someone recently say.

No. That’s just not how life works.

Want what the universe wants.

You’re going to start feeling like your desires are being fulfilled as soon as you’re aligned. First, you have to figure out your purpose. It’s going to be something aligned with the rest of the universe, so it probably has to do with helping other souls. I think we all have a different soul purpose and different talents that we are naturally able to offer, but it all boils down to helping the universe of souls evolve.

When you know what your purpose is, make sure everything you do is aligned with that. Not just in your career, but in every act of your life. Every thought you have must be aligned.

Furthermore, it’s probably most aligned for us all to stop being obsessed. Stop being fearful. Stop self-serving and self-destructive behaviors. These things only promote more separation between your soul and others.

Make your mind one with it all. Know that you are always connected, and see that you’re one with everything. You can’t go wrong if you do this. You’ll likely fall into your soul purpose along the way.

Seeking what you desire, if it’s not what the universe wants for you, is not going to end well. Either you won’t get the thing you’re after or you will get it. If you do get it, as I’ve seen it happen, you might lose it immediately after getting it. The universe wants your enlightenment and ascension. It’s not going to let you have and keep things that are not helping you along that path. You’ll keep feeling miserable until you align.

Do you need to have positive thoughts?

Now, a good question to ask here is whether negative thinking is aligned. Pessimism. Skepticism. Doomsday talk. Well, it might be a way to cultivate a feeling of separation at times, but sometimes it isn’t. Maybe sometimes the universe requires some depression and sadness. It’s okay to be at odds with your own existence I think. You may still be aligned and on the path to having what you desire. I can’t say I understand how everything works.

Change what you want.

You’ll start getting what you want if you want the right things. If you are aligning yourself with the greater purpose of life and existence, it’ll start to feel like you’re getting all you desire. Make your desires one with the universe. Figure out what that means through meditation, stillness, and talks with yourself. The wisdom is already within you.

You didn’t manifest it. It just happened to align.

The goal isn’t to manifest stuff you want. Instead, it’s to change what you want so it aligns with the universe. Then, things will happen the way you desire. Not because you wanted it, but because you happened to want the same thing the universe wants.

Alignment and manifestation are two different things.

Hi, I’m Emily. I write about consciousness, philosophy, deep considerations of existence, alignment and manifestation. I have a master’s degree in philosophy, I am a certified meditation coach, I read tarot, and I coach others spiritually. For more about me and the services that I offer, have a look at my website. If my writing helps you and you’re looking for a way to support me, you’re always welcome to buy me a coffee.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.

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