The Inner Reflection That Comes After Twin Flame Death
The Inner Reflection That Comes After Twin Flame Death

The Inner Reflection That Comes After Twin Flame Death

after twin flame death
Image credit: Canva

If your twin flame has died, leaving you to walk this life ‘alone’, then you know a level of pain and grief that is familiar to only a few on this journey. It brings things into perspective. After twin flame death, life has a new meaning.

When the twin flame is alive, it’s usual to be focused on getting into ‘union’ with them, navigating the complex relationship so that things can work out somehow. When they’re dead, these considerations are out the window. You’re left with nothing but pure inner reflection and a wake-up call about your spiritual journey.

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My Grief Story and Spiritual Journey

My twin flame died almost three years ago, so I know how it is. There is nothing left to hope for on the journey except my spiritual enlightenment — which was always the point of it anyway. But when he was live, I couldn’t focus completely on that aspect of my life. I was concerned with finding happiness in closeness with him and making that last.

Now, the spiritual part of this journey is front and center, haunting me all the time. I have no choice but to follow the spiritual path that’s beyond mundane-level physical existence. There’s no relationship drama or sadness to dwell on anymore. There’s no striving for that perfect love except inside myself. It’s just me and the expanse of the universe from here on out until I die.

The Focus Shifts When They Die

A person whose twin flame has died isn’t searching the internet for twin flame coaches who can help them understand why their twin flame isn’t talking to them. They aren’t trying to find peace with the painful relationship as someone would whose twin flame is still living. Instead, they’re searching relentlessly for soul answers about why the universe created twin flames in the first place and why horribly painful things need to happen to us. 

It’s an awakening of monumental levels. It takes one beyond the ego-level pursuits. (They never brought the soul any comfort anyway.) It accelerates one to the higher levels of spiritual consciousness in the most unexpected and painful way imaginable.

Most Are Focused on the Wrong Things

All of the gibberish that is found in the content created by most twin flame coaches about this journey becomes meaningless when your twin flame has died. Most people, including twin flame coaches, are focused on the surface-level aspect of physical existence. They offer quick fixes and methods to get your twin flame to behave in a certain way. They don’t offer an inward journey. 

Most people don’t want to look within. Teaching people to be introspective philosophers wouldn’t make spiritual coaches money or get them followers. Instead, they offer you hope of getting back together with your twin flame, which people will pay for. But that becomes completely pointless when your twin flame is no longer alive.

If your win flame is alive, you should start focusing on the spiritual aspects of the journey now. It’s what this is all about.

In the case of a twin flame’s death, the spiritual path is obviously the most important thing. There’s nothing left to distract you from this journey. Their physical existence is no longer a point of focus. You find yourself amidst the most painful experience of your life — left with no choice but to look to spirituality for answers. You must begin to look within and trust the world that is not accessible through the five senses.

Why Does This Tragedy Happen?

Only the souls who are the strongest take on this task when they incarnate. Only the most spiritually courageous of us “sign” soul contracts that require us to ascend in a lifetime. We know, as souls, that spiritual enlightenment isn’t free. It usually comes with very challenging human experiences. Without pain, there is little hope of growth. 

So, if your twin flame has died, I am sorry, but in a way, I am also not sorry. You’re clearly one of the bravest of souls — a person who is able to exist day to day after a horrific experience like this is my hero. You still have a purpose here, and your spiritual path is now opening to something truly great. Don’t let the grief destroy you. Live to tell the tale so you can inspire someone else.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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