4 Ways to Reach Enlightenment (Even When It Seems Impossible)
4 Ways to Reach Enlightenment (Even When It Seems Impossible)

4 Ways to Reach Enlightenment (Even When It Seems Impossible)

4 ways to reach enlightenment
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It is a long journey toward a state of wisdom, sovereignty, and oneness. Being human is no easy undertaking. It is a long and winding road toward enlightenment. Bliss doesn’t happen overnight. 

Even when it seems nearly impossible, there are things you can do right now to perpetuate your upward spiral toward the light. There are always choices you can make in your thoughts and in your actions to go in that direction. Sometimes all we can do is take baby steps.

Strong emotions and a feeling of hopelessness can often cloud the judgment. Along the way, you may forget who you are and why you’re here. The world may be too heavy to bear at times. But it is all a challenge and a test from the universe to raise you to new heights. If you can transcend the hard times and transmute the pain, you will be invincible.

But sometimes, all you can do is survive. Hang on tightly to whatever keeps you going, wait until the storm passes, and start again when it becomes easier. When the wind dies down, you can begin the climb toward divine light again. It’s at the top of this mountain, and I promise, there is a way to get there. You’ve already come so far.

When darkness descends upon your life, as it does for us all now and again, you must hang on to what you know keeps you going and commit yourself to blind faith that it’s all happening for a reason. We are all on a very long and treacherous path up that mountain toward enlightenment, and it is the greatest adventure the soul can embark upon. Keep going.

What follows are some ways I have found to get closer to enlightenment even when it seems so far away.

Choose to let go.

It is a cliche to “let go”, but if you really understood the concept, you would know that it is extremely important. To be free of the attachment to worry and expectations is liberating. When you don’t care how people behave or what a situation will bring, you have freed yourself from a type of enslavement. But it is very difficult to get to a state of complete non-attachment.

Whatever you can do right now to let go a little bit, or at least to try, will be a benefit to you in this journey. It may seem sometimes like you’re making no progress, but in fact, any small effort adds to the momentum.

Choose kindness and be of service.

Whenever you’re in doubt or you feel like you can’t do anything productive, you still have one superpower left. You can be kind to others without any expectation of reciprocation. Embrace your contribution to humanity and be of service. Perhaps today you can be the reason someone else believes in angels and miracles.

In my darkest hour, when I am overcome with grief, I notice that it becomes easier to be kind because I have nothing left to lose. However, I have also noticed that other people respond to their inner darkness with unkindness. It’s easy to fall into a victim’s mindset when the universe is giving you hard lessons, but it’s always possible to be kind — to others and yourself.

If you knew you were about to die, wouldn’t kindness be the last thing that mattered? I try to remember to live this way at all times.

Embrace oneness instead of separation.

In this physical level of reality, separation, and density is the name of the game. We have such a struggle here because our five senses only give us information about the separation between ourselves and others. We have the perception that we are disconnected from the rest of the world. We feel out of control like we’re at the mercy of a chaotic reality, and we constantly seek security against all the threats we perceive.

But the truth is that we’re all one. You are one with the rest of humanity and also with the universe. Your soul journey is part of a greater journey. The oversoul that we are part of will not fail you. It wants you to succeed in the quest for enlightenment. 

You’re experiencing exactly what you need to experience right now. The universe is on a healing journey and it wants all of its parts to be whole and healed, too. If you are aligned with this greater path, you will prosper. If you stray from it and begin to pursue your own ends, you will have a harder time.

So, embrace oneness in any way you can. This is the way of reality. Separation is an illusion and it is your task to overcome that. Transcend it so you can find the bliss that exists within yourself. Any small step you can make toward a oneness mindset will help you along the way.

If all else fails, just be.

Sometimes, you just have to be strong. The path can get very turbulent and difficult to traverse. If you can just exist, resisting the urge toward self-destruction, then you are doing something for your upward climb. If you’re not falling backward, then you’re doing well. Hold your current position.

Just be. Find gratitude in something here — sometimes, all you need is to recognize the miracle of being alive, even if all seems hopeless.

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About Emily

Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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