4 Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame
4 Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame

4 Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame

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It’s not just an obsession. It’s not just attraction. It’s not just a wild runner/chaser dynamic. It’s not even just love. The twin flame experience pushes us into a spiritual experience that can’t be compared to anything else in the world. It feels like something so big has shifted that a spiritual volcano has erupted inside you. It’s hard to explain to anyone who hasn’t been through it. But when you meet your twin flame, you just know. But in case you’re in doubt, below are four signs you’ve met your twin flame.

There are a lot of words floating around the internet. “False twin flame”, “karmic partner”, “catalyst”, and “soul mate” are a few. People are always trying to use their intellect to categorize spiritual experiences so they can all fit into a box. But in this world, many things exist that don’t make logical sense and can’t be explained with scientific categorization.

1. It Fits No Category

We seem to be compelled to label anything that isn’t a twin flame so we can understand it. But the truth is, there are twin flames and then there’s everybody else. You can still have mind-blowing spiritual experiences in your life without a twin flame, and certainly find love without meeting your other half. Love can be found everywhere. But the twin flame experience is one of a kind. It is almost too extraordinary to be labeled.

The twin flame introduces you to the real meaning of love. You finally understand unconditional love and how it opens the door for you to love not just one person, but everyone and everything. The biggest hurdle is to learn to love yourself.

Let’s talk about some other signs you’ve met your twin flame.

2. The Twin Flame Is Everything

How do you know you’ve met your twin flame and not just “someone else”? Well, if you’ve never met your twin flame, you might get confused about the “others” (which is everyone, basically) and see some similarities to the twin flame experience that may begin to explain what you’re going through. But since you haven’t experienced it, you won’t understand what a person can mean to your life.

If you’ve met your twin flame, it is unmistakable. Nobody needs to tell you that you’ve just been blasted in the face by a spiritual fire hose. It’s an awakening like no other. You just know.

Your inner voice becomes very clear — something big is happening and your life will never be the same. This person isn’t just a romantic relationship to you or even just a catalyst. They are everything. They thrill every fiber of your being without having to say or do anything. Just by existing, they change your whole life.

3. They Force You to Elevate Yourself

However they behave, they are changing your life for the better, and whatever happens in the relationship, they have left you with a longing to make your life more meaningful. You have a great desire to heal, embody your life purpose, and be a better person.

With some twin flames, parts of the journey I just described take time. It happens only when you’re spiritually ready. It could be years before you realize what’s happened. But when the real awakening finally sets in, you just know because it has left nothing in your life untouched.

4. The Paradox of Twin Flames

Sometimes, it feels like the twin flame experience isn’t even about that person, it’s all about you. It’s a paradox.

The paradox is that your whole world is turned upside down and it’s triggered by this “other” person, but the story is actually all about your own self-love journey.

The paradox is also that your twin flame is you. You’re both separate from them and one with them at the same time. It’s mind-blowing, to say the least.

Nothing can prepare you for a twin flame experience. And nothing can compare to it. There is not much that you can say to someone who hasn’t met their divine counterpart to explain this journey. The only ones who truly understand it are others who have happened to meet theirs.

twin flame coaching

Talk about your twin flame and spiritual journey with someone who gets it.

Get clarity on your twin flame journey! Ask your questions and understand the spiritual nature of the situation.

Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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