3 Ways to Express Spiritual Power in Daily Life
3 Ways to Express Spiritual Power in Daily Life

3 Ways to Express Spiritual Power in Daily Life

Here are three very important and meaningful ways to use your spiritual power, even when you think you have none. It's all about realizing your place in humanity.
Image credit: Canva

Did you know that you are spiritually powerful whether or not you are aware of it? Everything you think, say, and do holds power in this world. We are here to mold humanity into a more evolved species. Though it seems impossible to do so with your single life, it is actually something you’ve been doing all along.

Every one of us has spiritual power. We can shape the collective consciousness by embodying the behavior and thoughts that we want to see in the world. Choose your daily goals wisely and reign in your self-serving urges — and you’ll go far.

We are all on a path toward enlightenment, no matter how many lifetimes it takes. Do your part in this lifetime to raise your own consciousness and the consciousness of those around you. All it takes is doing your best each and every moment. It’s not that hard to take the first steps and align yourself with this idea. For those who are ready, let’s take it a step further.

The following are three ways to express great power in the world even if you don’t have everything figured out. 

1. Serving Others

Being kind is something all human beings and even many animals understand as a universally desirable trait. You already know this. Be kind to others and treat them as you’d like them to treat you. 

This is such a basic spiritual principle, but it is one of the most important ones. If you can practice compassion for all beings, it doesn’t even matter if you’re spiritual. You are embodying love, which is the most powerful force in the universe.

Understand that you can serve others with your spiritual power to create an elevated sense of well-being in the collective. When you set your self-serving urges aside and value the good of others above your own good, then you have truly perfected the spiritual principle of serving others. It is a great honor and privilege to be a human on planet Earth working beyond selfish needs and desires in order to see others succeed in life’s journey.

2. Doing What Is Right

Moral responsibility is a complex thing at times because it is not always clear what it means. In our hearts, we always know the right choice in any situation. But to listen to the heart beyond logic and the fears of the ego-mind takes great strength.

You must do what’s right for the community. See yourself as an agent of good within the human collective. Sometimes, this means choosing the right thing for your own life path because you know it will help you develop an ability to elevate the greater consciousness. Knowing the difference between a selfish choice and a choice that is good for all can be very difficult. When you can discern the difference, you have mastered one level of the expression of spiritual power.

Have courage. Make the choices that are right. Rise above your ego.

3. Seeking Truth

Truth is another concept that isn’t obvious while we’re in human form. Often, our judgment is convoluted and fogged over by low-vibrational human drama. But you must seek truth.

This does not mean that you have to know the truth. At a minimum, be on a quest for it. This is one way to become a perfect human. Truth may be ugly — to our lower human minds. The truth may hurt the ego. You have to keep seeking it, acknowledging that it may not be what most people expect. don’t be afraid of its consequences. This also takes a great amount of courage.

All of these principles require a release of the ego and to step aside from your self-interest. But this final principle — to seek truth — requires the highest level of soul bravery and grit to embody. 

Good luck on your quest.

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Emily is a writer, coach, intuitive reader, and content creator with a background in philosophy.

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