3 Things That Happen Before Meeting Your Twin Flame
3 Things That Happen Before Meeting Your Twin Flame

3 Things That Happen Before Meeting Your Twin Flame

conditions that are met before meeting your twin flame
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The twin flame journey is about awakenings. It’s a spiritual experience. I’ve coached hundreds of people on their twin flame path, and what I’ve noticed is that they’re all having a spiritual awakening of some sort. None of them are clinging to “mundane life” and none of them want to. For someone to even grasp the twin flame concept, they must be open to the universe and able to raise their consciousness.

The twin flame arrives in your life when certain conditions are met. You may have started to work on yourself. Or maybe you began exploring spiritual truths. Your life may have changed drastically and then you began to think differently. The connection of the soul becomes more profound.

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I’m not saying that meeting the following three conditions will call in your twin flame. But they are signs that I have seen in countless twin flame stories. The vibration of your soul evolution, having elevated to unprecedented levels, sends a signal to the universe that you’re ready for something that normally only exists in folk tales and dreams.

1. Working on Yourself

When you turn your awareness inward and begin to make changes to your lifestyle and health, you shift your energy. Maybe you had a mid-life crisis, a major traumatic event, or a health scare. Usually, people don’t release their self-destructive habits without a major motivation. Whatever it is, the twin flame usually comes in when the choice has been made to become a better person.

Many people have told me that when they met their twin flame, they’d recently begun a new spiritual practice of some kind. Perhaps they did yoga training, became interested in holistic health, began to connect with nature more, started a new therapy, or attended a plant medicine retreat. Deep healing becomes a focus. Often, it also comes with a realization about toxic cycles of relationships that need to cease, including the relationship with the self. When I met my twin flame, I had recently taken a new interest in Vedic wisdom and ended an abusive marriage.

Making the conscious choice to take accountability for the course of your life and become acquainted with the self creates major fireworks in the energetic field around you. The universe responds by giving you a challenge that perfectly fits your new level of consciousness. The twin flame experience and the mirror it provides into your soul is a perfect response to meet you at this level of your journey.

2. A New Interest in the Unseen

No spiritual awakening is complete without an interest in “the whole other world” you can’t see. There is more to life than what meets the five senses. You begin to realize that you have guides who you can’t see who send you signs that you’re on the right path. There are unseen forces working in your favor. 

When this happened to me, I was seeing the number 555 everywhere and uncanny “coincidences” kept happening that were pointing me in the direction that my life needed to take.

Twin flames enter our lives to confirm that there is a lot more going on than what meets the eye. There’s a whole world where the soul is operating, and often this soul journey isn’t directly translated into the physical world where we exist as humans. This disparity can drive you mad. You may have a deep understanding of reality, and yet, it doesn’t appear true in the world you see around you.

When you start to question things and seek hidden truth, the twin flame may arrive in your life. It is a reassurance from the universe that you’re not insane. And yet, it will make you feel like you’re losing your mind at times, especially when the behavior of this person doesn’t seem to match the soul connection that you feel.

Don’t lose faith. Even if you can’t prove it, you must reinforce that inner certainty.

3. An Opening of the Heart

Twin flames often arrive when you’ve cleared away hurt from the past and healed — thus, opening your heart to new possibilities. Maybe you have embraced the idea of universal love or you have started to heal yourself by directing love inward. When you begin to explore the true meaning of love, you send a message to the universe that you’re ready for another chance at it.

Twin flames teach us what unconditional love means. Most people never get the chance to experience true love. They go through their entire lifetimes thinking that they know what love is, but never realizing that love is so much more. Real love is not sex, a transaction, comfort, or mutual respect. These are aspects of love, but they aren’t the whole potential of it. The twin flame shows you that love is transcendental: it goes beyond this lifetime and forces you to see that you’re essentially a soul.

When you open your heart, you invite miracles. Twin flames are one of these miracles. The pain and heartache that the twin flame experience has put me through shouldn’t be wished on anyone, and yet, I have experienced the deepest love that I could imagine. The grief teaches me every day that this was real and that the love I’ve experienced reaches past space and time. 

This love is greater than the stars, the moon, and the sun, and it knows no limitations.

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Hi, I’m Emily! I am also on the twin flame journey, as the experience of losing my twin flame awakened my psychic abilities and sent me on this path to help others.

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